The BrightMove Planner
The Planner is located in your Quick Links menu and can also be displayed on the Dashboard if you choose (Dashboard Pane). It gives the user a list of each activity that is scheduled or has already been performed during the current day. The activities come from Client Contact Profiles and Applicant Profiles. There is a calendar displayed just above the current day's activities that allows the user to choose a different day to view.
Adding an Activity/Task to the Planner
From the Planner screen
To add an activity from the Planner screen, click on the "Add Activity" link in the upper right corner or click on the time-space to open the new activity window. Fill in the activity details, and click the "Submit" button.
Submittal activity data will also be tracked on the planner and will show as yellow tiles. These activities can be edited from the planner the same way as your standard activities.
You may also go to the Applicant or Contact profile and enter an activity there, and it will be reflected on the Planner. If the activity requires an Action, that is a "Task". You determine what Activity actions are Tasks, examples are Call, Email, Interview, etc. Tasks can be viewed in the Quick Links menu or from the My Tasks dashboard pane.
Understanding Calendar Activities aka Tasks
Choose an activity type from the drop-down box on the screen (This list can be customized in Settings under Customization>Activity Type).
The Start Time and End Time automatically default to the present date and time with a 30-minute duration. They can be changed to whatever time and duration you like, or you can set it as an all-day event and simply enter the dates. If you check Exclude Weekends and select start date and end date that have weekend days in between, the activity will not show up on the weekend on the planner.
If you would like to set a reminder for yourself about this activity or to follow up on it, check the "set reminder" box and select the time frame you would like to be reminded. A reminder will be created in the reminders list that displays in the upper right next to your profile icon and name.
If you click "Set Follow Up", you can quickly create another activity at the same time as creating the current activity. When clicked the new activity is defaulted with a 15-minute reminder, and the times are set to one day after the activity times above. When you click save, two separate activities will be created.
You can set up different reoccurring patterns for an activity whether it's daily, monthly, weekly, etc. Just build your pattern using the radio buttons and then select an end date for the pattern to end. Reoccurrence patterns do not apply to a Follow Up Activity.
Resources will share this activity with other recruiters or workgroups. You can choose to send them or your self an email notification after you save the activity. Resources do not apply to a Follow Up Activity.
Editing an Activity
Click on the activity that needs to be edited and the Activity detail screen will be displayed. Click the blue "Edit" link in the footer, and then make the appropriate changes. Once the editing is complete, click the Submit button to save the edited activity. Alternatively, you may also drag and drop any planner activity to a new date and/or time to initiate the editing process. If you need to move a scheduled appointment for the day, you may simply drag the activity and place it into the correct time slot.
Task Management
Tasks have been separated into individual sections for those that are Active, Due Today, Due this Week, Overdue, and Completed. Marking tasks as completed or reverting them back to an incomplete status is now easy to accomplish and can be done in bulk. BrightMove task management has never been better!
The Active tab will contain all tasks with a due date and time of today at 11:59 pm or all past tasks that have not been marked as Completed.
Due Today will contain all tasks due that day.
Due This Week will contain all tasks due on the basis of Monday - Sunday.
Overdue will contain all past tasks that have not been marked as Completed.
Completed will contain all tasks that have been marked as such and will display a strike-through line across each recorded task.
Select the
action button to filter your tasks by a set range of time.
To process any tasks in bulk, simply select the bubble to the left of the Due Date column. Selecting multiple tasks will display an events listing, and selecting all tasks within the view will provide an option to select every task, even if that task list is not in your current view. Once selected, you can mass update the tasks to either Complete or Incomplete as needed.
Special Types of Activities
Besides the regular activities/tasks, they are special activities each slight unique to Applicants, Contacts, Requirements, and Opportunities. They all function very similar to activities above accept instead of being tasks for yourself they are now attached to their respective types as well.
To enter an activity for an Applicant
If an email is sent from within BrightMove (mass or single email), it is automatically recorded in the Activities section of the appropriate profile.
In submittal activities are also automatically recorded in the Applicant's activities.
You can add applicant activities via the following methods:
The applicant profile via the "Add Activity" button in the top right.
In the activity tab on the applicant profile via the "Add Activity" button.
In an applicant folder via the "Choose Action List" dropdown in the top right.
In an applicant folder via the blue "More" button on the far right of applicant line item.
In an applicant power search via the "Choose Action List" dropdown directly above the results.
In an applicant power search via the "Add Activity" icon below an applicant's name in the results.
To enter an activity for a Contact
If you send an email from within BrightMove, it will be automatically recorded in the Activities section of the contact profile.
You can add contact activities via the following methods:
In the contact profile via the "Take Action" dropdown and selecting "Add Activity".
In the activity tab on the contact profile via the "Add Activity" button.
In a contact folder via the "Choose Action List" dropdown in the top right.
In a contact folder via the blue "Add Activity" button on the far right of the client line item.
In a contact power search via the "Choose Action List" dropdown directly above the results.
In a contact power search via the "Add Activity" icon below a contact's name in the results.
To enter an activity for an Opportunity
The activity is technically a contact activity but will also be attached to that opportunity.
In the activity tab on the opportunity profile via the "Add Activity" button.
To enter an activity for a Requirement
The activity is technically a contact activity but will also be attached to that requirement.
In requirement profile via the "Add Activity" button in the top right.
In the activity tab on the requirement profile via the "Add Activity" button.