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Version 2022.13.0
Updated this week


Release 2022.13.0 on Saturday, November 19, 2022 contains multiple user experience improvements, a data accessibility upgrade for our ad-hoc reporting module, and three bug fixes. This release is a bit smaller when compared to a typical release. This is based on a shortened sprint cycle since our last production release. This release comes as a fast follower to version 2022.12.0 which was deployed earlier this month. Our goal for having two releases in November was to get these helpful user experience improvements and bug fixes into the platform before the holiday season begins in full effect.

Happy holidays from the BrightMove team!

UI Improvements

Copy to Clipboard Helper


In this release, we deployed a simple yet commonly encountered user experience improvement that allows users to copy the field values they routinely need to reference to their clipboard. Within the Candidate, Client, Client Contact and Requirement screens, you will find the Copy to Clipboard Helper now accessible via the icon you'd typically expect for this operation. The helper has been tied to the unique ID fields for these core data domains. Additionally, we have placed the Copy to Clipboard Helper next to the API Key and the New Portal URL fields administrative settings.

Notification Improvements

In this release, we deployed an improvement related to the notification icon in the top right masthead section of the UI. This improvement also integrates within the browser's tab of the page you are viewing. When notifications are recognized by BrightMove, the UI now dynamically refreshes in realtime with the notification event. The ability to simplify the management of notification event messages was a feature specifically asked for by our customers, and as such we've introduced these improvements in release 2022.13.0.

Job Board Posting

In this release, we deployed a change to default to the list of free job boards list on the job board posting tab of the job screen. We find this as a simple way to reduce clicks for our users when creating jobs, as this is a commonly viewed tab within the platform.

Ad-Hoc Reporting

New Data Accessibility Feature

In this release, we made it possible for our users to export ad-hoc report results to JSON format. This increases the portability of data saved within the ATS by enabling export to the commonly supported JSON format.

Bug Fixes

Duplicate Employment History via Resume Parser

This fix corrects an issue that would result in the parsing and saving of duplicate employment history records for candidates when re-parsing their resume using the resume parser.

Date Selector Improvements

In the activities screens for candidates and submittals, we discovered a UI control bug that is encountered when trying to set an end date for an activity that occurs prior to the start date. This bug did not introduce any data quality issues for our customers, but instead had the potential to cause frustration from a user experience. This change improves the handling of date inputs for activities.

Register New Interviewer Within Interview Module

This fix corrects an issue for users who are trying to register new interviewers within the system, who do not already have an account within BrightMove.

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