In this article, you will learn how to add or delete activities within your company's workflow.
Locating the Submittal Workflow Settings
Your company's submittal workflow settings are located within the main Settings screen under the Submittal Workflow link. Note: The options available in the Settings screen may vary depending on your currently assigned security role.
Submittal Activity Templates
Submittal activity templates allow administrators to create one-click submittal updates for their users. Templates are divided into four types: Declined, Placed, Submitted, and Other. Each type list is generated from the submittal status settings in your workflow. If a status is set as a 'Decline' status in the workflow, then it will appear within the Declined template type listing.
Select the Choose Type drop-down menu to navigate between the four different template type groups. Once you have multiple templates in each group, use the sort icon (
) to drag and drop them into the desired order.
To add a new template, select the Add Activity Template button to launch the creation window. The Template Name is required for all new templates, and if your company preferences are set to require submittal notes, then the Note section will also be required. Fill in the required fields and choose the Submittal Status and Submittal Activity Type that you would like the template to assign when used. Select the Save button to save your template for use.
To Edit or Delete an activity template, simply select the appropriate action button from the list on the right-hand side. A help menu is also available by selecting the help icon provided.
Using Submittal Activity Templates
Once created and configured, submittal activity templates will appear within the View Submittal window for users working within a Candidate or Job profile's Submittals tab. Within either screen, select the More action button and choose the View Submittal option. New template buttons will be available for selection based on the submittal workflow configuration. Selecting any of the template buttons will automatically update the candidate's submittal record with the predefined status, activity, and note as configured in your Activity Templates settings.
Single or Multiple Templates
If only one activity template is configured for a template type, then the title of that template will be displayed within the action button. If multiple templates are configured for a template type, then the Type name will be used.