In this Article
Learn how and when to use the Secure (HTTPS) Protocol for your portal.
Secure (HTTPS) Protocol for Your Portal
BrightMove Candidate Experience Portals are defaulted to a non-secure HTTP protocol, but the option exists to convert the career portals to use the secure protocol (HTTPS). The reason for this is that a vast majority of customer portals are branded in such a way that if we did enforce HTTPS on portal activity, we would be invoking a large quantity of candidates facing security warnings. With the ever growing need for greater online security, our development team has implemented an option for testing and eventually enabling the HTTPS protocol for your portal(s).
Hosting Service Option
If you are unable to secure the resources for your career portal, please reach out to the BrightMove Support staff. We offer a hosting service for $500 that will make any currently branded resources secure.
Enabling the Secure (HTTPS) Protocol
Enabling the secure HTTPS protocol with non-secure HTTP branded website resources will cause display issues within your career portal. Always test your portal and correct any issues before enabling the secure HTTPS protocol. Follow these steps to enable HTTPS on your portal:
Go to Settings
Click on Candidate Experience Portals
Click on Edit for the portal you wish to edit
Toggle Secure / SSL Enabled to on
Click on Save
External Links
The following links can be accessed to further understand the developer tools for each supported browser:
Internet Explorer: