All About Job Approvers

In this Article:

We are going to review every aspect of what a Job Approver is. Who can be a Job Approver? How do you  Manage Multiple Job Approvers? How do you assign Job Approver Delegates? How do you Approve a Job that is awaiting your approval? These topics and more will be covered in this article. This will be your go-to place for all things Job Approver related.


What is a Job Approver?

A Job Approver is any user that has the authority to review a Job listing before it is posted by a Hiring Manager. Typically this will be another Hiring Manager, Recruiter, or an Administrator. This will help ensure that only authorized jobs are posted.


Is just anyone allowed to create and post a job within your BrightMove Account?

The quick answer? Yes, unless you've set up Job Approvers. This function prevents jobs from being posted unless they go through the proper channels first. Job Approvers are assigned directly to Hiring Managers so that any job created by that Manager will be reviewed and authorized by their Approver before being posted. It is worth noting, that Recruiters and Administrators are assumed to be Job Approvers for themselves and do not require Job Approvers be assigned to authorize their jobs.


Who can be a Job Approver?

Hiring Managers by default can be selected as Job Approvers for other Hiring Managers. Recruiters and Administrators must be marked as an a approver before they can be selected as an approver. To mark a Recruiter or Administrator users as an Approver, follow the steps below:

  1. Go to Settings>Employees.
  2. Click on the user's name you wish to make a Job Approver.
  3. Click the Toggle under Job Approver to toggle it on and mark this user as a Job Approver.


Assigning a Job Approver:

  1. Navigate to a hiring manager's profile
  2. Find the Job Approvers field on the left-hand side.
  3. Click the blue plus (+) icon to assign them an approver
  4. Click the Plus Sign to the right of the Job Approver you wish to assign to this Hiring Manager. This will move them to the right column.
  5. Click the Save button

You have successfully added a Job Approver to this Hiring Manager. Congratulations!  


Can I have more than one Approver for a Hiring Manager?

Yes! This is what we call an Approver Chain. In some instances you will want to have more than one Approver for a Hiring Manager. This can be done by following the same steps above but before you click save, you would simply add the additional Approvers. Below is how this will look.

  1. Navigate to a hiring manager's profile
  2. Find the Job Approvers field on the left-hand side.
  3. Click the blue plus (+) icon to assign them one or more Job Approvers.
  4. Click the Plus Sign to the right of the Job Approver you wish to assign to this Hiring Manager. This will move them to the right column.
  5. Repeat step 4 for any additional Job Approvers you wish to Assign.
  6. You will notice the Blue vertical arrows next to the assigned Job Approvers. You can use these to change the order of the Job Approvers. Simply click and drag the Approvers into the order you wish them to be in. 
  7. Click the Save button.


Order of Approvers:

The order of your approvers in an approval chain is very important. This determines the order of who approves the job, starting from the first approver at the top and ending at the final approver at the bottom. In the example above, Robin Recrooder will be required to Approve the Job first, followed by Junior Recruiter. Once all approvers have approved the job in order, the job will be ready to post.


It is important to note that this Approver chain MUST be followed. If for some reason an Approver is unable to approve a Job, you can assign Approver Delegates that can approve in their absence. This is most commonly used for when a Job Approver is out on PTO.


Assign Job Approver Delegates:

The Steps for assigning Job Approver Delegates is the same for All users including Hiring Managers. Let's take a look.

  1. Navigate to Settings>Delegate Approvers.
  2. Click the Add Delegate button in the upper right.
  3. Use the Approver field to locate the Approver you wish to assign as a delegate.
  4. Select the date range for when you wish this Approver to be able to Approve jobs on your behalf.
  5. Click the Save button.
  6. You should now see that this Approver appears in your Approver Delegates list.


Now that we have our Approvers all set, let's take a look at how to View the Approval status of a Job and what steps to take to approve a job.


Viewing Approval Status

The recruiter can find the approval status on the associated job's profile page. Once on the job profile, recruiters will see a link for View Approvals that will allow them to approve or reject the job as well as view the approval history for that job. You can also view the Current Approver which displays the last person who approved or created the job.



How to Approve a Job:

It is important to note that you can only approve a Job that you are the Current Approver on. If you are not, you must wait until all previous Approvers have approved the job. 

  1. Navigate to the Job you wish to Approve.
  2. Locate the Approval Status field in the left-hand information pane.
  3. Click on the + icon next to the Approval Status.Screen_Shot_2020-09-10_at_5.45.29_PM.png
  4. Select the Approved approval status and click Save. (You can input a note if you wish but it is not required)



Congratulations! You just approved a Job!

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