My Tasks Portlet

In this Article:

The My Tasks portlet helps you manage your daily tasks more easily! In this article, we will walk you through how to use and understand this dashboard pane.

My Tasks:

Tasks are tied to your BrightMove Planner/Calendar


Tasks have been separated into individual sections for those that are:

  • Active
  • Due Today
  • Due this Week
  • Overdue
  • Completed. 

Marking tasks as Complete or reverting them back to an Incomplete status is easy. To do so:

  1. Checkmark the tasks you would like to mark as Complete/Incomplete
  2. Select Complete or Incomplete at the top of the list


Note: To complete tasks in bulk click the top left-most checkbox. This will prompt the option to  Select all at the top of the list. Click that, then select Complete or Incomplete to mass-edit your tasks.

You can also refresh your task list by clicking the Refresh button.


Full Task List:

On the My Tasks portlet, there is a button called Full Task List.


This will bring you to the page My Tasks We will cover that in another help article.

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