Paid Standard Work

In this Article: 

For more minor development requests, we do not require a SOW document to proceed. Below is the process for these requests.

How to Request Paid Work: 

  1. Submit a Support ticket with a description of what you need completed. 
  2. Support will work with the development team to provide am estimate of the cost. 
  3. If you approve, respond to the ticket letting us know. 
  4. Your account will be billed for the work. 
  5. The Support team will work with you and the development team to complete the request. 

Examples of Paid Work not Requiring an SOW: 

  • Mass deleting profiles (of any kind)
  • Any mass changes requested that a Developer must perform
  • Mass restoring accidentally deleted profiles (of any kind)
  • Submittal Workflow changes that a Developer must perform
  • Minor data cleanups for established accounts
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