Mass Import Managers Using XLS

In this Article:

Our Import Manager XLS tool will allow you to bulk upload managers into your BrightMove system quickly and easily.

Mass Importing Managers:

To reach this tool:

  1. Click on Managers in the left-hand navigate menu                             import-manager.PNG
  2. Select Import Manager XLS import-manager2.PNG
  3. Per the instructions, click on Get XLS Template File to download your Excel template
  4. Fill the template with your manager data
  5. When finished, save the file and attach it in the Upload File section
  6. Select whether you want the managers to be imported in No Folder, a New Folder that you can create right then, or an Existing Folder
  7. Upload

Important Information before Importing from XLS:

Make sure not to change the height or width of the columns or rows in the template as it will affect the data imported!

Spreadsheets are limited to 2000 rows per upload. (One for header and 1999 rows for Contact/Manager data). Simply split up your data template to be less than 2000 rows to upload correctly.

Available Import Fields:

  • Last Name is required and must be less than 150 characters
  • First Name is required and must be less than 150 characters
  • Title must be less than 300 characters
  • Company must be less than 100 characters
  • Address 1 must be less than 150 characters
  • Address 2 must be less than 75 characters
  • City must be less than 100 characters
  • State has no character limit, but if the state entered is not recognized, it will default to "None"
  • Zip must be less than 10 characters
  • Country Code is required (US for United States)
  • Email is required and must be less than 100 characters
  • Phone must be less than 30 characters
    • Fax number must be less than 30 characters
    • Home phone must be less than 30 chars
    • Mobile phone must be less than 30 characters
    • Other phone must be less than 30 characters
  • Department must be less than 100 characters
  • Web Site must be less than 150 characters
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