Every way to Add an Activity in BrightMove

In this Article:

There are so many ways to add activities to your account. Below is a comprehensive list of all the different ways to add an activity. 

You can add candidate activities via the following methods:

  • The candidate profile via the Add Activity button in the top right.
  • In the activity tab on the candidate profile via the Add Activity button.
  • In a candidate folder via the Choose Action List dropdown in the top right.
  • In a candidate folder via the blue More button on the far right of candidate line item.
  • In a candidate power search via the Choose Action List dropdown directly above the results.
  • In a candidate power search via the Add Activity icon below a candidate's name in the results.

You can add manager activities via the following methods:

  • In the manager profile via the Take Action dropdown and selecting Add Activity.
  • In the activity tab on the manager profile via the Add Activity button.
  • In a manager folder via the Choose Action List dropdown in the top right.
  • In a manager folder via the blue Add Activity button on the far right of the client line item.
  • In a manager power search via the Choose Action List dropdown directly above the results.
  • In a manager power search via the Add Activity icon below a manager's name in the results.

For an Opportunity Activity, the activity is technically a manager activity but will also be attached to that opportunity.

  • In the activity tab on the opportunity profile via the Add Activity button.

For a Job Activity, the activity is technically a manager activity but will also be attached to that job.

  • In job profile via the Add Activity button in the top right.
  • In the activity tab on the job profile via the Add Activity button.
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