Submittal Activity Triggers

In this Article:

Account Administrators have the ability to modify your Workflow to include Triggers for automatic status changes on Jobs and Candidates. With Submittal Activity Triggers, you can automatically close a job when there are no more open positions on a job or send a communication template when the trigger is activated. Learn how to create these triggers in this article.

Submittal Activity Triggers:

In this example, we will create a trigger to automatically close a job when there are no more open positions.


  1. Go to Settings
  2. Click on Submittal Workflow
  3. Select the Activity Triggers tab Screen_Shot_2022-09-06_at_9.41.26_AM.png
  4. Click on Add Trigger
  5. Enter in the Submittal Status, Submittal Activity Type, and Job Status
  6. Select the Decrement Job Openings and Update Job Status Only on Zero Openings checkboxes
  7. See the screenshot below to see an example trigger that is filled out Screen_Shot_2022-09-06_at_9.46.03_AM.png
  8. Click on Save

When there are no more job openings, this trigger will set a job status to Filled when a candidate is placed in the Accepted submittal status with Call as the submittal activity type.

Note: Make sure the Submittal Status and Submittal Activity Type both match your desired values if your trigger is not being activated.

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