This version of BrightMove adds the ability to manage your company social media logo when sharing BrightMove jobs to social media sites! You can now control what image appears with your job postings on social media at the company and/or job level. (This is a customer requested new feature!)
Gone are the days of not knowing where a social media site is pulling an image from that it is showing with your job or that it is displaying a HUGE image that is blurry or cut-off. YOU can now control the social media image that is show with your posted jobs at the job level or for all jobs in the account!
SoftwareAdvice.com , a company that provides advisory services, research, and user reviews on software applications for businesses, ran a survey with potential applicants that asked if the presence of images or videos in an online job posting made the company that posted it more attractive and the key findings were:
"Fifty-one percent of respondents would be more attracted to a company that had job postings with visual elements (images or videos) than to a company that didn’t.
Respondents were more attracted to companies that have images in their job postings than to those that have videos (45 percent versus 31 percent)."
The better looking your job ad, the more professional your organization will look and the more credible it will appear. Managing your default social media images in your BrightMove account and job postings will help you achieve this.
Company-Level Social Media Image
A company level social media image will be used as the default social media image for all jobs shared to social media sites in the event there is not one assigned at the job level. (If no social media image has been assigned at the company or job levels, the site being posted to will pull an image itself. This is not always a flattering or well defined image.)
To set your social media image at the Company level (Account level) to be used for all jobs:
1. Settings > My Company
2. Click to the Social Media Image tab
3. Click the Manage Social Media Image button (upper right)
4. Either paste an image URL into the top box OR choose an image from your computer to upload
5. Click Save and Close
Job-Level Social Media Image
A Job level social media image will be used on a per-job basis. In the event a social media image is not assigned to a job, the company level social media image will be used by default. (If no social media image has been assigned at the company or job levels, the site being posted to will pull an image itself. This is not always a flattering or well defined image.)
To set your social media image at the Job level:
1. Go to the Job profile
2. Click to the Social Media Image tab
3. Click the Manage Social Media Image button (upper right)
4. Either paste an image URL into the top box OR choose an image from your computer to upload
5. Click Save and Close