In this Article:
He is an overview of changes or new features in BrightMove 19.0. We modernized and standardized our layout to be consistent across devices. The new version will also make future updates and releases faster and easier so that we can bring even more new features for our customers. This new version will help bring us into the future. Read below for some highlights on what is in the new version.
New and Enhanced in BrightMove 19.0:
Updated color scheme and user interface including a complete visual overhaul
Left-hand navigation replaces across the top navigation
The left-hand navigation menu is collapsible
Quick Search is larger and across the top in the middle
Profile Icon/picture replaces your name for accessing the Quick Links menu (Settings, Reports, My Profile, etc)
Entity Profiles (Opportunity, Client/Department, Manager, Jobs, Candidates) have a left-hand collapsible pane with profile information
RPO child account indicator is on the left-hand navigation menu
My Task List and Job Aging panes updated with quick access to RPO child accounts
Webhooks center for easily setting up custom integrations
Security Permissions are now searchable
The External Credentials section was redesigned to make it easier to connect your accounts to BrightMove
Completely redesigned and updated user manual