In this Article:
You can assign Communication Templates to specific statuses within your Submittal Workflow. This will configure the system to automatically send emails at various stages of your hiring process. These emails can be sent to Candidates, Managers, Recruiters, Sourcers, or Sales Representatives.
This will send automated emails to the specific users of the job for which this submittal has been set.
For example, here are a few scenarios you could use this feature for:
Automatically send an email to an applicant thanking them for their application for a specific job
Automatically send an email to a Manager alerting them to a new submittal to review for a specific job
Automatically send an email to a Sourcer letting them know the job has been filled
Automatically send an email to a Sales Rep letting them know an offer has been accepted
To send automated emails, you do this by assigning a Communication Template to a Submittal Status for a specified user type. When a submittal reaches that status, the Communication Template will be sent as an email. Statuses can have multiple templates associated to them, but only one for each user type per status. That is, you cannot set more than one Communication Template a user type and status combination.
To assign the Communication Template, first, navigate to the Submittal Workflow section, then follow the below steps.
1. Click Edit on the status you want to add the email to.
2. Select which Communication Templates you would like to use.
3. Click Save.
As soon as a candidate is moved into a submittal status with Communication Template assigned, the emails based on that template will be sent to the specified individuals.