In this article, you will learn how Power Search Expert Mode enables you to search multiple fields within BrightMove at once using Expert Query Format. This format allows you to optimize your input to the Power Search engine, and to use advanced combinations or operators to retrieve information from the BrightMove database. If you are familiar with using Boolean searches, this is the search mode for you.
How To Use Expert Mode:
Expert Mode is available within Power Search of any entity (Applicant, Job, Hiring Manager, Client, Department). In this article, we'll use Candidate Power Searches to demonstrate Expert Mode. To access the Expert Mode mode:
Expand the Candidate menu item on the left
Select Power Search under the Search menu group
On the Power Search screen, check the check mark for Expert Mode.
Once the checkbox labeled Expert Mode is checked, the screen is updated with a textbox, ready for input using the Expert Query Format. See the table below which lists the fields available for Expert Query Format.
Expert Query Format
To use Expert Mode, you'll need to construct your query using Expert Query Format. This format is described below. In summary, the format allows you to specify which specific fields you wish to search based on specific search terms.
Search Field (where to search): this is an attribute of an entity, like a name, title, resume, etc. Use the search field variable name to specify which field to search.
Search Term (what to look for): this is the value you wish to search for. Search terms can be made up of multiple words, or tokens. A search term like java developer is a single search term, with two tokens (java and developer).
Operators (how to combine your search): these are instructions to Power Search to perform logical grouping or filtering on the search results. These are the rules for combining the results.
To use Expert Mode, you must put the search input into Expert Query Format.
Example #1: Search for the word specialist in all fields
The simple example, in Expert Query Format, will search Everything (the search field) in the Candidate entity for (the search term with one token) specialist. Note, this is a single token search term.
Example #2: Search for the sequential words "compliance specialist" in all fields
The example, in Expert Query Format, will search Everything (the search field) in the Candidate entity for (the search term with two tokens) compliance specialist. Note, this is a single term with two tokens. This example uses the quotation marks as an operator. Surrounding the search term's two tokens within quotation marks instructs Power Search to require the terms to be sequentially present in one of the fields in the entity.
text:"compliance specialist"
Example #3: Search for the words compliance specialist in all fields. They don't have to be sequential and they don't have to all be present.
This is also sometimes referred to as an OR search. This example will search Everything (the search field) in the Candidate entity for (the search term with two tokens) compliance OR specialist. Note, this is a single term with two tokens, but it has not been surrounded within quotation marks. This instructs Power Search to look for either token in one of the fields in the entity.
text:compliance specialist
Example #4: Search for the sequential words "compliance specialist" in the current title field
The example, in Expert Query Format, will search Current Title (the search field) in the Candidate entity for (the search term with two tokens) compliance specialist. Note, this is a single term with two tokens. This example uses the quotation marks as an operator. Surrounding the two search term tokens within quotation marks instructs Power Search to require the terms to be present in sequential order within the current_title field in the entity.
current_title:"compliance specialist"
Example #5: Search for either of the words compliance specialist in the current title field
This is another example of an OR search. This example will search Current Title (the search field) in the Candidate entity for (the search term with two tokens) compliance OR specialist. Note, this is a single term with two tokens, but it has not been surrounded within quotation marks. This instructs Power Search to look for either token in current_title field in the entity.
current_title:compliance specialist
Example #6: Search for the word specialist in the current title field for highly ranked candidates
The example, in Expert Query Format, will search Everything (the search field) in the Candidate entity for (the search term with one token) specialist AND the Rank (another search field) for candidates with scores of 3,4 or 5. Notice that the rank terms are contained within parentheses and separated with the Boolean operator OR. This will instruct the Power Search engine to require both specialist and at least one of the rank values specified.
text:specialist AND (rank:3 OR rank:4 OR rank:5)
Using the Wildcard Operator
The asterisk (*) symbol is a very powerful character when it comes to Power Search. Adding the asterisk to a search term instructs the Power Search engine to expand its search for what to look for. As an example, you can tell Power Search to search based on fragments of words, or plural versions. This example will find results that have the fragment special within the current title field. In this case, matches would be found for "special", "specials" or "specialist".
Search Fields Available for Expert Query Format
The following table contains available search fields, what each query searches, and example formatted searches for each search field.
Search Field | What does this search? | Format Examples |
text | Entire Candidate Profile. | text:Java |
resume_text | Candidate's Resume. | resume_text:Manager |
cover_letter_text | Candidate's Cover Letter. | cover_letter_text:degree |
name | Candidate's Name. | name:Steve |
current_title | Candidate's Current Title. | current_title:"Software Engineer" |
current_company | Candidate's Current Company. | current_company:Textron |
first_name | Candidate's First Name. | first_name:John |
last_name | Candidate's Last Name. | last_name:Smith |
username | Candidate's username. | username:jsmith1 |
address_text | Candidate's address. | address_text:"123 Park Ave" |
rank | Candidate's rank. (0-5) | rank:5 |
phone_number_search | Candidate's Phone Number. | phone_number_search:5556667898 |
sms_opt_in | If Candidate has opted in for SMS. | sms_opt_in:true |
dob | Candidate's Date of Birth. | dob:1988-02-23 |
tags | Candidate Tags. | tag:"Customer Service" |
placement_start_date | Placement Start date. | placement_start_date:2024-09-24 |
placement_ending_date | Placement End date. | placement_end_date:2024-10-31 |
hire_date | Candidate's Hire Date. | hire_date:2024-08-15 |
recruiter_name | Recruiter listed on Candidate's Profile. | recruiter_name:"Bob Ross" |
available_date | Candidate's Available Date. | available_date:2024-09-15 |
modify_date | Date the Candidate Profile was last modified. | modify_date:2024-09-17 |
modify_user | User who last updated the Candidate Profile. | modify_user:Jake |
Candidate's email address. | email:[email protected] | |
email_allowed | If the Candidate has opted in for emails. | email_allowed:true |
applicant_gk | Candidate's BrightMove ID | applicant_gk:37145214 |
create_user | User that created the Candidate Profile. | create_user:Steve |
create_date | Date the Candidate Profile was created. | create_date:2024-05-21 |
referred_by | Referred by field on the Candidate Profile. | referred_by:"Sarah Smith" |
do_not_hire | If the Candidate is marked as Do Not Hire. | do_not_hire:true |
primary_skills | Candidate's Primary Skills. | primary_skills:communication |
current_employee | If a Candidate is a Current Employee. | current_employee:true |
applsrc_id | Candidate Source. | applsrc_id:indeed |
submitted_req_gk | Candidate has a submittal within a Job. | submitted_req_gk:27751563 |
current_substat_name | Current Submittal Status | current_substat_name:"Applied to Job" |
history_substat_name | History Submittal Status | history_substat_name:"Applied to Job" |
address | Candidate Address | address:"Rock Road" |
address2 | Candidate Address 2 | address2:"Suite 100" |
city | City | city:Orlando |
state_abbr | State | state_abbr:FL |
country_code | Country | country_code:USA |
postal_code_search | Postal Code | postal_code_search:10025 |
job_history_title | Job History Title | job_history_title:"Maintenance Technician" |
job_history_company | Job History Company | job_history_company:Textron |
edu_institution | Institution | institution_institution:"Florida State University" |
edu_degree | Degree | degree_degree:Bachelor's |
edu_major | Major | major_major:"Business Administration" |
edu_minor | Minor | minor_minor:marketing |
edu_certification | Certification | certification_certification:"C++ Certified" |