In this Article:
Selecting a folder name will bring up a list of all candidates currently in that folder.
Each line contain information on an individual candidate including basic info like their name, email address, phone number, current title and current employer. It also lists their current pay, location (city, state) and current status in your BrightMove account.
Several dates are displayed in the folder including:
Available- the date the candidate is available to start work
Created - the date the candidate profile was created
Modified - the last date changes were made to the candidate profile
Viewed - the last date you viewed the candidate's profile. If you have not viewed their profile, this field will be blank.
Clicking Remove takes the candidate out of the folder. Under more you can add note, add activity, view resume, view submittals, or view activities for that candidate.
Email All lets you send an email to all candidates in a folder.
Empty Folder deletes all applicants from the folder.
Back to Folders brings you back to the main folder view.