In this Article:
The Recent Candidate portlet provides an interactive drop down list of every candidate who has created a profile, applied for a position you are assigned to, or had their resume sent into the system within the last 7 days (100 results max).
Recent Candidates:
There are two sections of the Pane: Jobs and Resume Submittals Only.
The Jobs section will display the submittals to all jobs where you are assigned as recruiter
Resume Submittal Only displays candidates who either:
Chose to create a profile and not apply to a job
Whose profile was created by a recruiter
The Refresh button will reload the information in this panel, so you can see any additional candidates who have applied.
Viewing the Candidates:
To view each list, simply click on the blue arrows to the left of each header.
You will see:
Candidate name
Date & Time Stamp
To see the detailed information associated with any recent applicant, click on that person's name and their applicant profile page will be displayed.
This section can be minimized by clicking on the blue arrow again.
New Candidates:
The New Candidates label is displayed when there are new applicants to your Job.
Each Recruiter who views the candidate for the first time will see New next to the candidate name.
Once viewed the New label falls off, but the name will remain for up to 7 days.