The Company Preferences screen is accessible from the Control Panel and can be reached by clicking Settings > Company Preferences. This area allows you to set all company preferences in different BrightMove modules, nomenclature, and portal view controls. To turn a preference on or off, simply click the toggle switch. Blue is enabled and white is disabled.
Do not edit settings within this part of the platform if you do not fully understand the implications of the change. A support representative will be happy to assist you. Contact our support team if you need help. |
The search bar located at the top of the Company Preferences screen can be used to search by keyword for specific preference settings.
The General section controls all general account preferences.
The Communications section contains all preferences related to email and text messages.
The Search section contains all preferences related to your account's search tools.
This section contains all preferences related to your BrightForms.
The Labels section allows you to customize your account's unique nomenclature for applications, jobs, etc.
The Portals section contains all preferences related to your account portal(s).