Data Export Requests
Any user in the account with security role permission can request an account data export (XML file)as often as needed in the Settings menu inside BrightMove. It is self-generated by clicking the link and it will be emailed to you within 24 hours. There is no cost for this.
Data Export Format
We provide our data exports in XML format only.
We do not offer a service to convert our data exports to other formats. The receiving company can convert the export to the preferred format, if other than XML, if they would like to.
Attachment Export Requests
BrightMove provides an account Attachments Export once, per account, as a courtesy.
Additional Attachment Exports can be requested for a fee of $200.00 per additional request. Email [email protected] for all attachment requests.
How to Match Attachments back to the profile they belong to
The attachments come in 2 parts, XML and compressed binary.
The first part, the xml file, which provides details on the attachment itself: who it belongs to, the original file name and where the file is stored in the archive. The second part is a zip archive of the attachment itself.
Using the FilePath from the XML, you would find the corresponding file in the attachment archive. Once you have the attachment, you would unzip it and be left with a numbered .bin file. Now you just rename that file to the desired naming (ex. <CandidatesName> Resume) and you have your original attachment.