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Adding a New Manager
Updated this week


In this article, you'll learn how to record a single manager into the ATS. In this guide, we'll walk you through the steps to create a new manager profile. Managers, also called Client Contacts, can be assigned to one Department or Client and one to many Locations or Client Offices.


In the left-hand navigation panel, click Managers to expand the menu and select Create.


This will open the New Manager window.

Creating the Manager Profile:

The first thing that you will be asked to do is select which Client/Department and Department/Location the manager belongs to.


From here you can:

  • Create a new Client/Department and/or Department/Location with the blue Add New buttons

  • Select a pre-existing Client/Department and Department/Location

When you're finished, Create New Manager will change to blue. Click to continue and move onto the next stage:


This is where you will fill out all of your manager's details, including First Name, Last Name, Email, and other information.

Be sure to fill out the fields highlighted in green, as those are required. All other fields are optional.

When you have finished, click the blue Save button to finalize your new manager.

Assigning Multiple Locations:

Note: It's important to know that the Assign Locations field is not displayed by default on the manager screen. If you don't see this control, then you must ensure the field visibility and permissions are enabled. Also, in order to be able to see these settings, your user will need to have the Assign Manager to Additional Locations permission and the field will need to be visible. If you have setup company preferences for the Location term, you will find these permissions with the name of your Location preference as the lable.

In the ATS, Managers can be assigned to one Department or Client, and can be assigned to one to many Locations or Client Offices.

In order to post a job in a specific location, the hiring manager for the job will need to be assigned to that location. In many cases, the hiring manager does not physically reside in the location they are hiring for. Assigning a manager to an additional location allows them to to post jobs in the location.

To assign a manager to additional locations, you can do so from the Manager screen at the bottom of the left side:

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